Outside plant fiber optic networks are getting faster. Upgrading older cable plants to higher speeds or testing new installations to ensure they can support future needs requires testing fibers more extensively—a process called fiber characterization. How well do you understand it?
Do you think the requirements for inspecting and testing fire alarms and fire sprinklers are the same? Do you know the different requirements between NFPA 25 and NFPA 72?
Cables and Communications
National Electrical Code
Feb 10, 2020
| Michael Johnston
Article 770 and Chapter 8 of the National Electrical Code apply to fiber optic cables and communications systems. Chapter 8 covers communications systems and is not subject to the requirements of Chapters 1 through 7, except where they are referenced in Chapter 8.
When the project is finished, the installer should present the project manager a book or flash drive of test results along with a summary in the documentation package on the cable plant. The manager must review the data and decide if the installation was done properly. Do you know how to analyze the data and make that decision?
The beginning of the year is always a good time to brush up on your safety knowledge. If you miss an answer, take the time to refresh what you know before the year gets started. Here’s hoping you have an injury-free 2020. Answers are on page 95.
How well do you know the installation and testing requirements for duct smoke detectors? This quiz is based on the 2019 NFPA 72, 2018 NFPA 90A and 2018 International Building Code (IBC).
As indicated in Section 90.3, chapters 1 through 4 apply generally but can be modified or amended by the provisions in chapters 1 through 7. This Code quiz challenges readers with questions related to various special occupancies.
The responsibility for the success or failure of any project ultimately lies with the project manager. The project manager depends on their supervisors and workers to do the work correctly, but how do they know it’s done right, if they don’t understand the technology and processes?
Safer, more comfortable tools that help workers be more productive are introduced regularly. While ergonomics may not be included in final OSHA rules, ergonomically designed tools limit stress on the body and help prevent acute and chronic injuries. Test your knowledge about the safety features of your tools?
Chapter 3 of the National Electrical Code provides rules related to wiring methods and materials, specifically the electrical wiring of branch circuits and feeders installed in premises wiring systems. Article 300 provides the general requirements while the other articles contain rules specifically related to wiring methods. How well do you know Chapter 3?
Data centers and wireless networks are two of the largest and fastest growing fiber optic applications. Both are rapidly evolving to meet customer needs. What’s your knowledge of today’s data centers? Answers are on page 103. To take the quiz electronically, visit ecmag.com.
Two recent emphasis programs that OSHA has initiated are Trench Safety and Fall Protection. These are enforcement strategies designed and implemented at the regional and area office levels. With the recent increase in excavation and fall incidents around the country, let’s review a few important requirements.
Fire Alarm Requirements for Elevators
Life Safety Systems
Aug 16, 2019
| Thomas P. Hammerberg
One of the greatest challenges when installing a fire alarm is determining what you have to do when elevators are installed. Test your knowledge of the fire alarm requirements for elevators in NFPA 72 2019 edition.
Will There Be Enough Room?
National Electrical Code
Aug 16, 2019
| Michael Johnston
Some key general requirements in the National Electrical Code (NEC) address minimum working spaces around equipment, equipment markings and underground conduit installation depths. The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) has significant interpretation and approval responsibilities. The NEC establishes minimum requirements.
Next month, OSHA will be celebrating Safe + Sound Week, Aug. 12–18, 2019. There are many ways you can participate. Visit www.osha.gov/safeandsoundweek for more information and celebrate your safety successes and efforts at #SafeAndSoundAtWork.
Audible Fire Alarm Notification Appliances
Life Safety Systems
Jun 13, 2019
| Thomas P. Hammerberg
How well do you know the application, design and installation factors for audible fire alarm notification appliances? These are some details that should be known for a more effective fire alarm.
In my May Code Comments column, I wrote about the NEC and NFPA 70E definitions of a “qualified person.” Test your memory and your knowledge of this NEC term in the quiz below.
My previous quiz focused on power meters and how they are used to make basic measurements. To measure loss, you need a test source in addition to a power meter. Are you familiar with the sources used for fiber optic testing? More information on optical power can be found in the Fiber Optics Association Guide at www.thefoa.org/tech/ref/testing/test/power.html.