With the COVID-19 pandemic, recognizing key factors that affect employees’ mental health and stress levels is vital for all supervisory and safety personnel. This month’s safety quiz is dedicated to identifying some of the factors related to health and wellbeing.
Bend anything too much and it kinks or breaks, and that includes fiber optic cable. Do you know how to handle fiber optic cable so it won’t be damaged by improper installation?
Performance Testing Emergency Systems
National Electrical Code
Dec 15, 2020
| Michael Johnston
The NEC generally provides prescriptive requirements for electrical installations and systems. A few performance requirements exist, such as performance testing rules of ground-fault protection of equipment and witness testing of emergency and legally required standby systems. The AHJ is required to conduct or witness the testing when installation is complete. How much do you know about testing?
It’s expected that installing optical fiber cables would require different tools than copper communications cables or electrical cables. How familiar are you with some of the specialized tools used in fiber optics?
The 2021 edition of NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace was recently released and is available at www.nfpa.org/70e. Each approved revision and update to NFPA 70E standards supersedes all previous editions. Are you up to date?
In the Eye of the Beholder
National Electrical Code
Oct 15, 2020
| Michael Johnston
Section 110.12 requires equipment to be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner, but it never tells users how to accomplish that. Good workmanship is often in the eyes of the beholder and is directly related to the training and experience of the installer.
Many aspects of a fiber optic project concern a manager, but the ultimate issue is the “deliverables”—the final information that must be provided to prove the project is complete and installation was done properly. How familiar are you with the deliverables of a fiber optic installation project?
The coronavirus pandemic has forced training to move completely online and instructors are using technology to deliver necessary programs to keep employees safe. OSHA publication 2254 covers training requirements applicable to the construction industry.
Many recommendations and preventive measures are being implemented to keep the workforce safe and protect employees and the public from the coronavirus. A lot of these carry over into our personal lives.
The National Electrical Code includes requirements to ground electrical systems. It also contains information regarding electrical systems that are prohibited from being grounded and those systems that are permitted to be—but not required to be—grounded. If an electrical system is grounded as a requirement or by choice, all the rules related to grounded systems must be applied.
The construction of a fiber optic cable plant is a complicated process that often involves heavy equipment, rights of way and avoiding other utilities. How well do you know the processes involved in fiber optic cable plant construction?
Monitoring Requirements of the 2016 NFPA 72
Life Safety Systems
Dec 21, 2017
A lot has changed in NFPA 72 regarding fire alarm systems monitoring in the last two code cycles. Here is a chance to review your knowledge of the changes.
While May is recognized as Electrical Safety Month, everyone should always practice safety when working with or around electrical circuits and equipment. Ensure proper ground prongs are in place and not removed from attachment plugs. Don’t swim around docks and marinas where electrical shock hazards could be present in the water. Test your safety know-how.
In my last quiz, I challenged your knowledge on fiber optic testing. Fiber optic test results are usually expressed in decibels (dB), a term that can be very confusing. Do you understand decibels, and do you know how to interpret test data expressed in decibels?
Proper material selection has never been more critical for electrical needs with power over ethernet installations increasing and fire alarm cabling protecting life and property. You also need to know how to install safely.
Ensuring proper selection, use and implementation of personal protective equipment (PPE) safeguards workers as a last line of defense—following elimination, substitution, engineering controls and administrative controls according to the hierarchy of risk control methods. How familiar are you with the details of PPE?