Monitoring Requirements of the 2016 NFPA 72

A lot has changed in NFPA 72 regarding fire alarm systems monitoring in the last two code cycles. Here is a chance to review your knowledge of the changes.

1. For commercial fire alarm systems, monitoring facility operators shall attempt to verify alarm signals prior to dispatch _____.

Correct Answer: Only if the fire department requires verification

2. When multiple communications paths are used, each path shall be supervised within no more than _____ hours.

Correct Answer: 6

3. The authority having jurisdiction may prohibit a single communication path for monitoring.

Correct Answer: True

4. If a single communication path is used for monitoring, the path shall be supervised at an interval of not more than _____.

Correct Answer: 60 minutes

5. A digital alarm communicator transmitter (DACT) must be connected to a public switched telephone network using a _____.

Correct Answer: Loop-start telephone circuit

6. A DACT may be connected to only two telephone lines when no other technology is available at the premises.

Correct Answer: True

7. When alarm signals are required to be immediately retransmitted to the fire department communications center, the maximum time should be no more than _____ seconds.

Correct Answer: 90

8. The 90-second allowance for a supervising station to call the protected premise to verify the validity of the received alarm signal is in addition to the time allowed for the supervising station to initiate the retransmission to the communications center.

Correct Answer: True

9. When using an IP communicator for monitoring a fire alarm system, you should follow the requirements for _____.

Correct Answer: Performance-based technologies

10. A managed-facilities-based voice network is essentially the same as a public-switched telephone network.

Correct Answer: True


