Fire Alarm Fundamentals
How well do you know fire alarm basics? Test your knowledge with this quiz based on the 2022 edition of NFPA 72.
1. Which devices and appliances must be listed for use with the control unit?
Correct Answer: All devices and appliances that receive their operating power from an IDC or SLC
2. Equipment shall be designed so that it is capable of operating at a relative humidity of ______ and an ambient temperature of ______.
Correct Answer: 85%, 86ºF
3. In areas that are not continually occupied, early warning fire detection shall be provided at all of the locations below except each ______.
Correct Answer: Annunciator
4. Abandoned fire alarm equipment shall be marked “not in service” until removed.
Correct Answer: True
5. Where a circuit breaker is the disconnecting means, ______ shall be installed.
Correct Answer: An approved breaker locking device
6. At a minimum, battery calculations shall apply a correction factor of ______ for aging to ensure the battery can meet its current demand at the end of service life.
Correct Answer: 1.25
7. At the end of the 24 hours of nonalarm condition, the secondary power supply shall be capable of operating a carbon monoxide detection system not monitored by a supervising station and all carbon monoxide notification appliances for ______.
Correct Answer: 12 hours
8. Effective Jan. 1, ______, rechargeable batteries for the secondary power supply used in control units, devices and accessories shall be listed or component recognized by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
Correct Answer: 2024
9. Where pathway survivability is required by another section of the code, equal protection shall be provided for power supply circuits.
Correct Answer: True
10. The service provider shall report to the authority having jurisdiction any system that is out of service for more than ______ hours.
Correct Answer: 8