Test your knowledge on safety, codes and standards, cabling, life safety systems and other electrical construction topics with quizzes from ELECTRICAL CONTRATOR Magazine and SAFETY LEADER Magazine.
Fiber Optic Trivia
Feb 1, 2022Fiber optic communications has been around so long that we don’t think much about how it got started and developed into the powerful communications systems of today. Let’s test your knowledge of fiber optics history (and give you some trivia to impress your colleagues with).Take this quiz -
Judging the Speed of Fiber Optics
Nov 9, 2021We’re always talking about how fast fiber optic networks are, but “fast” has several meanings. How well do you understand fast in fiber optics?Take this quiz -
Navigating OSHA Citations
Nov 9, 2021 |Understanding OSHA regulations is a constant challenge, and navigating OSHA requirements when dealing with a citation is critical to an investigation’s outcome. With penalties increasing in recent years, it is important to understand the monetary impact on an employer and how it can affect them if a second violation or citation is received. Managing safety is always important for the employer and employees. How much do you know about violations?Take this quiz -
Fire Alarm Tests for Sprinklers
Oct 6, 2021 |How well do you know the inspection and testing requirements for fire sprinklers connected to a fire alarm system? Take this quiz to find out.Take this quiz -
Identifying Certified Electrical Products
Oct 6, 2021 |Conductors and equipment covered by the NEC are acceptable only if the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) approves them. Certified (listed) electrical products and equipment often serve as the AHJ’s basis for approval. A product must be listed where the NEC includes a requirement that equipment be listed. Are you familiar with other installation factors that the AHJ will verify in the approval process?Take this quiz -
Returning to the Safety Basics
Sep 9, 2021 |It’s important to remind ourselves about the basic principles and requirements for a safe workplace.Take this quiz -
Fiber Optic Network Review
Sep 9, 2021We’re bombarded by news of fiber optic networks—fiber to the home, 5G cellular backhaul, data centers and more. Managers involved with designing, installing and operating these networks need to be familiar with them. How well do you understand fiber optic networks?Take this quiz -
Understanding Fusion Splicing
Jul 15, 2021As fusion-splicing machines become more affordable, single-mode fiber usage is more widespread and fusion splice-on connectors are becoming the termination method of choice. How well do you understand fusion splicing?Take this quiz -
Thinking About the Heat
Jul 15, 2021 |In July, with pandemic restrictions easing or lifted, family and friends will get together, have reunions and go to the beach. Safety is key, and knowing emergency response procedures is crucial. Test yourself on tips we all should rememberTake this quiz -
How Well Do You Know the Micros?
May 13, 2021 |The new technologies in fiber optic cables and cable plant installation are the micros: microcables, microducts and microtrenching. These can make cable plant installation easier, faster and cheaper. How well do you know the micros?Take this quiz -
A Perfect Marriage
May 13, 2021 |Being familiar with the NFPA 70E requirements for electrical safety is key to staying safe when working with and around electricity. To complement and support OSHA’s electrical requirements, NFPA 70E provides the “how” to comply with the “shall” in federal regulations.Take this quiz -
Handle the Hazards
May 13, 2021 |Being familiar with the OSHA requirements for electrical safety is everyone’s responsibility. Many OSHA electrical requirements are extracted from the National Electrical Code.Take this quiz -
Raising the Stakes on Elevator Awareness
Apr 15, 2021 |While elevator operations have changed in recent years, how much did interfacing with fire alarm systems change? Test your knowledge and find out.Take this quiz -
Speak Properly
Apr 15, 2021 |Proper use of the NEC is essential and separates the best from the rest, whether in estimating, project management or carrying out the responsibilities of a field foreman. It is important not to use slang words or terms with different meanings than those defined in the Code. Always use a “common language of communication” supported by defined terms.Take this quiz -
PPE Wear and Care
Mar 15, 2021 |According to the hierarchy of controls, PPE is considered the last resort. For it to function properly, it needs to be taken care of, cleaned and replaced when showing signs of overuse.Take this quiz -
Fix Backhoe Fade
Mar 15, 2021 |Every day some fiber optic network goes down. Sometimes it’s equipment failure and sometimes it’s construction damage, which we call “backhoe fade.” How well do you know how to find and fix network outages?Take this quiz -
A Healthy Roundup
Feb 15, 2021 |Everyone should monitor their personal health and family safety. Regular exercise and health checks with medical professionals are key to healthy living. Being aware of the conditions and environment you live and work in allows you to take proper precautions. Taking time to relax provides the body a chance to heal and recharge itself to handle daily activities.Take this quiz -
What Is Intrinsically Safe?
Feb 15, 2021 |Intrinsically safe circuits, per Article 100 of the NEC, are those incapable of producing an arc with enough energy to ignite a flammable or combustible material in the air under test conditions. Although Section 504.7 indicates that any wiring method could be installed, a variety of requirements apply to these circuits and systems.Take this quiz -
Fire Alarm Roundup
Feb 15, 2021 |I thought we would start the year with some miscellaneous fire alarm questions that you may or may not be aware of, but will be useful to know in the future. Good luck!Take this quiz -
Bent Out of Shapes
Jan 15, 2021Bend anything too much and it kinks or breaks, and that includes fiber optic cable. Do you know how to handle fiber optic cable so it won’t be damaged by improper installation?Take this quiz