

Research Dives Into Minds of PV and EV Consumers

By Timothy Johnson | Oct 15, 2016





With energy crises and climate change getting top billing in mainstream media, the green building movement is in full string and not going away anytime soon. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and electric vehicle (EV) charging are significant markets for contractors to keep an eye on. Insight isn't always easy to find.

New research from the Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative (SGCC) dives into the minds of those who purchase and install PV and EV technology. Perhaps most significant, the study, "Consumer Driven Technologies," finds that roughly 50 percent of consumers who have either PV or EV technology also have the other.

Other findings from the study include only 22 percent of consumers claiming to have a fairly complete understanding of PV or EV technology, which the SGCC cites as a barrier to adoption. The study also finds consumers are moving from a sole-ownership of solar power systems and EV charging systems toward power purchase agreements, leases and shared-ownership arrangements. Community solar is increasing in popularity.

In addition, the study finds consumers still recognize the value of being connected to the grid and are willing to pay for it.

The study included 1,571 respondents questioned about four technologies and services: residential solar, community solar, green power plans, and EVs.

“By taking a deep dive into the perceptions of early solar and EV users, we are able to provide energy leaders with timely and critical data to help them envision and execute a modernized grid—one that is best able to implement clean, renewable energy for the 21st century,” said Patty Durand, president and CEO of SGCC.

A free executive summary of the report is available at

About The Author

JOHNSON is a writer and editor living outside Washington, D.C. He has worked in magazine, web and journal publishing since 2006, and was formerly the digital editor for ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR magazine. Learn more at





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