

California Receives $90.4 Million for Efficiency and Green Jobs

By Aug 15, 2009
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California was awarded 90.4 MILLION in stimulus funds from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) State Energy Program (SEP) to finance energy-efficiency projects and promote green jobs. The funding represents 40 percent of California’s total SEP award, with the initial 10 percent going to planning and the remaining 50 percent to be disbursed once California meets requisite reporting, oversight and accountability milestones.

The award will help to fund a statewide energy-efficiency retrofit program as well as cost-effective clean energy systems for residential, commercial and industrial buildings and facilities, while the revenue savings generated by these efficiency measures will help fund additional, ongoing efficiency projects.

The California Energy Commission (CEC) also plans to leverage existing partnerships in combination with $20 million in Recovery Act funding to create a more extensive green work force focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, including wind and solar. Additionally, through June 2012, the CEC will invest $15 million in building a work force to fulfill alternative fuel and advanced vehicle technology needs.

After demonstrating successful implementation of its plan, California will receive more than $113 million in additional funding, for a total of $226 million for the entire program.





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