

DOE-Funded Prizes Advancing Equitable Deployment of Clean Energy

By Rick Laezman | Mar 10, 2023
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Transforming how the nation consumes energy is a monumental task. Much of the heavy lifting will take place locally, through community projects.





Transforming how the nation consumes energy is a monumental task. Much of the heavy lifting will take place locally, through community projects.

On Feb. 8, the federal Department of Energy (DOE) announced a significant investment in what it is describing as “equitable, community-based clean energy deployment.”

The investment is comprised of multiple sums, each of which is dedicated to various targeted efforts.

For example, $35 million is available through the Office of Indian Energy for clean energy improvements on tribal lands. A portion of this, $20 million, is dedicated to help Indian tribes deploy clean energy systems. The other $15 million will help deliver power to unelectrified buildings through the deployment of integrated energy systems or energy infrastructure.

As part of its larger efforts, the DOE also launched the new Low-Income Community Solar and Energy Assistance Fellowship, which offers energy professionals the opportunity to work with state and regional organizations to make community solar subscriptions more accessible to low-income households.

The $2.4 million American-Made Equitable and Affordable Solutions to Electrification Prize is offering cash prizes and technical assistance vouchers to innovators who simplify the electrification process for contractors and implementers.

The American-Made Community Power Accelerator Prize is a $10 million prize competition designed to fast-track the efforts of new, emerging and expanding solar developers and co-developers to support community solar projects.

The Buildings Upgrade Prize is offering over $22 million in cash prizes and technical assistance to teams with ideas for accelerating equitable building upgrades. Eligible projects include upgrades to low- and moderate-income homes and small disadvantaged business enterprises.

The funding also includes $15 million for the Energizing Rural Communities Prize to help rural and remote communities improve their energy systems, and $85 million in new energy funding opportunities for schools.

About The Author

LAEZMAN is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer who has been covering renewable power for more than 10 years. He may be reached at [email protected]





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