

Plays Well With Others

By Julie Mazur and Timothy Johnson | Aug 15, 2016
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Over the last decade or so, we’ve seen you grow into a social being, a mature individual with your own strengths who is willing to contribute to a team in a collaborative environment where the sum is greater than its parts. We’ve seen you branch out and integrate into markets you maybe never dreamed you’d participate in.

These are the findings of our 2016 Profile of the Electrical Contractor. The bulk of the study results appeared in the July issue, but this month, we offer part two of the Profile, a focus on the collaborative building that electrical contractors engage in.

This month’s article is a bit smaller than last month, but it is no less significant. Chuck Ross reports that almost three-quarters of firms do design/build and design/assist work, a similar percentage reports high or medium levels of project collaboration with other trades, and 42 percent of firms have a relationship with an engineer, either consulting or on staff. You get an “O” for outstanding participation, electrical contractors!

To finish out the 2016 Profile of the Electrical Contractor, click here.

With part two, we close the books on another biennial industry checkup, but it’s not going anywhere. It lives on in this issue of the magazine, in the last issue and on our website at We hope you refer to it often. We certainly will.

Now that we’ve primed you with our biggest research study, have you considered participating in our subscriber research panel? Each month, we ask subscribers questions about the industry, the magazine, its website and newsletter, and the products and services that contractors use. The panel is incredibly useful for us as we refine our little media empire to better serve you as an industry tool. Other than improving ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR as a resource, what’s in it for you? Participants can win a $200 Amazon e-gift card. So there’s that.

If you’re interested in joining, visit

Also, congratulations are in order. We recently learned that our very own Code columnist and industry treasure, Michael Johnston, will be honored for his years of service. The 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) is dedicated to Mike for his “outstanding leadership” during the 2014 and 2017 NEC revision cycles. We work very closely with Mike—his office is literally next door to ours—so we can relay that he was humbled and honored by the acknowledgement. It’s because of the knowledge and expertise of people such as Michael Johnston that electrical codes, standards and safety continue to progress, and we’re privileged to accept his contributions to this magazine every month.

By the way, Mike will be covering the most important changes in the 2017 NEC in upcoming issues (beginning this month), so be on the lookout for that. Don’t worry. We won’t let you forget. It’s kind of our job.

About The Author

A woman, Julie Mazur, smiles at the camera. Image by Julie Mazur.

Julie Mazur

Managing Editor, Electrical Contractor magazine

Julie Mazur is the managing editor of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, Safety Leader and Line Contractor magazines. Before coming to ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, she was an editor at Knight-Ridder/Tribune newspapers and the Los Angeles Times and taught English as a foreign language in Egypt and Japan. As managing editor, Julie oversees the whole publishing arc. She plans and assigns the stories for every issue, works with writers and designers and interacts with the printing plant. She has a mass communications B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley. Go Bears!

Permanently retired from ziplining, Julie is an enthusiastic sports spectator and radio listener. She likes to read, exercise and cook.

JOHNSON is a writer and editor living outside Washington, D.C. He has worked in magazine, web and journal publishing since 2006, and was formerly the digital editor for ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR magazine. Learn more at





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