It has only been a few years since incandescent lamps were phased out. It has been even less time still since their heir apparent, compact fluorescent lamps, began losing ground to light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
A new study shows that consumers are embracing this latter change. In June 2015, Osram Sylvania released its seventh annual Socket Survey. The results depict a U.S. consumer who is hip to the latest lighting trends.
For example, nearly 80 percent of those surveyed said they had switched to a more energy-efficient light bulb rather than stockpiling incandescent lamps when they were phased out. Furthermore, 65 percent said they have purchased LEDs for use in their homes last year, and 64 percent of those respondents purchased LED lamps for use in sockets for general illumination, as opposed to holiday lights and electronic devices, their more traditional use. Nearly 100 percent of those who purchased LEDs did so because the lamps have longer lifespan and greater cost savings.
Apparently, LEDs also have a lasting effect on users. According to the survey, LED users are more loyal, with 44 percent more likely to purchase an LED replacement the next time around, compared with only 18 percent for other products.
The survey also reveals some other unique characteristics about today’s lighting consumers. For example, LED users are generally younger, with 18–34-year-olds, otherwise known as millennials, 69 percent more likely to purchase LEDs than those over 55, who gravitate to the product at a rate of only 59 percent.
Today’s lighting consumers are also wise to the broader trends. While only 10 percent of those surveyed have purchased smart lights for their home, almost two-thirds have heard of smart lighting, and nearly three quarters believe that it will eventually replace traditional lamps. More than 80 percent also feel smart lighting is a good introduction to other home automation technologies.
About The Author
LAEZMAN is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer who has been covering renewable power for more than 10 years. He may be reached at [email protected].