

ICC Combines Solar Energy Standards and Provisions in One Document

By Matt Kraus | Jul 26, 2018
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The International Code Council (ICC), the Solar Rating and Certification Corp. (ICC-SRCC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) have teamed up to release the 2018 International Solar Energy Provisions (ISEP). The publication, which is available for adoption by countries, states and local jurisdictions, combines the latest solar-energy provisions and standards into one document.

Specifically, the 2018 ISEP pulls its information from the 2018 International Codes, the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC), and other related ICC-SRCC standards. According to the ICC, the ISEP is intended to be “one comprehensive document on the design, installation and administration of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.”

The ISEP mirrors the format of the International Codes, which are used around the world. There are separate provisions for commercial and residential buildings.

“We are excited to present this tool, the best and most comprehensive publication of its kind on solar thermal and photovoltaic systems,” said Shawn Martin, vice president of technical services, ICC-SRCC. “As the leading provider of ratings, certifications, codes and standards for renewable energy, we are proud to partner with NFPA to help the solar industry, designers, contractors and administrators better implement safe and resilient solar energy projects.”

The ISEP includes two solar standards in their entirety: ICC 900/SRCC 300-2015, Solar Thermal System Standard, and ICC 901/SRCC 100-2015, Solar Thermal Collector Standard. Other important items in the publication include information on checklist and submittal requirements for expedited permitting of solar photovoltaic systems.

“As a leading information and knowledge organization, NFPA is proud to partner with ICC and contribute related content from the 2017 edition of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, to this comprehensive [ISEP] product,” said Jacquelyn Doucette, NFPA’s director of publishing and production.

The ISEP can be ordered on the ICC website as a PDF download or as a soft-cover book. ICC members get a discounted price.

About The Author

Matthew Kraus was formerly the director of communications at NECA and senior editor of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR for five years. He can be reached at [email protected].





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