The digital transformation in our sector is not without its risks. Cybersecurity threats grow larger by the day, with the potential to disrupt our operations and the infrastructure we work so hard to build. It is imperative that we invest in advanced cybersecurity measures and foster a culture of vigilance among our teams.
With industry technology and techniques changing at such a quick pace, it can be difficult to stay up to date on knowledge and operational skills. Our safety directors and project managers must receive ongoing training in the latest trends and methodologies in order to not be left behind. Having competent, prepared leadership will not only enhance performance standards but also safeguard against risks that accompany technological progress. We must prioritize the development of robust training modules that are as dynamic as the industry we operate in.
Our safety directors and project managers are crucial in navigating the complexities of modern electrical projects, from planning through to execution. Providing these key personnel with comprehensive training programs that cover EV charging installations, safety protocols and risk management is a necessity.
Preparedness in weather disaster areas, including insurance coverage, is also a key safety focus. Insuring projects in these regions has become increasingly difficult, with some areas now deemed uninsurable. NECA’s codes and standards experts and safety professionals work tirelessly to find ways to mitigate these risks and ensure our operations in even the most vulnerable locations.
NECA provides numerous safety enhancement resources, from the Safety Round-Up podcast and various publications to the NECA Safety Professionals Institute (NSPI) and the NECA Safety Professionals Conference (NSPC) held every year in May. The 2024 conference will be held in Denver from May 20-22, with the addition of an Outside Line Safety Expo to further address all areas and specialties within electrical construction.
We have a unique opportunity to lead our industry toward a safer, more sustainable and technologically advanced future. Let’s commit to being there for one another, today and every day.
Kirk Davis
President, NECA
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