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View information about the latest electrical industry products, from electrician's tools, to electrical equipment, lighting and lighting controls products, work site accessories, safety gear, and much more. See electrical products as they appeared in recent issues of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Magazine, SAFETY LEADER and LINE CONTRACTOR.
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Product listings are for informational purposes only. For prices and purchasing, contact the manufacturer or your distributor.
Eraser Co.'s DE600 Manual Dereeler
Eraser Company
Eraser Co.’s DE600 manual dereeler or reeler is meant for a reel sizes up to 29 in. in diameter and weighing up to 200 lbs. It has adjustable cones and a dog that allow use of reels with arbor holes from ¾–21/8 in. in diameter. An adjustable friction-clutch assembly prevents overruns when dereeling material. It can be floor- or bench-mounted.