Wiring for Healthcare
In the National Electrical Code, electrical wiring rules for healthcare facilities are often more restrictive than general wiring requirements in chapters 1–4. Many of these restrictive requirements center around redundancy of systems and continuity of power. For example, the branch circuits serving patient care spaces require two separate equipment grounding conductors in compliance with Section 517.13. The idea is to install a minimum of two, and thus always be assured of having one.
1. Essential electrical systems of healthcare facilities shall be permitted to be supplied by a healthcare microgrid that also supplies nonessential loads.
Correct Answer: True
2. A Category 1 patient care space shall be permitted to be supplied by either a Type 1 or Type 2 essential electrical system.
Correct Answer: False
3. A room in a separate free-standing pharmacy (not contiguous to a healthcare facility) used for immunization injections for RSV, influenza, COVID-19 and others are not required to meet the wiring and protection requirements of Part II of Article 517.
Correct Answer: True
4. Which of the following is not one of the three required branches for a Type 1 essential electrical system for a hospital?
Correct Answer: Normal
5. What is the minimum size insulated copper bonding conductor required for bonding the equipment grounding terminal bars of panelboards that serve the same patient care vicinity?
Correct Answer: 10 AWG
6. Hospital-grade receptacles are required to be installed in examining rooms of a primary care physician’s offices and examination/treatment rooms.
Correct Answer: False
7. All wiring methods for branch circuits serving patient care spaces shall be provided with an effective ground fault current path by installing only in a metal raceway that qualifies as an equipment grounding conductor in accordance with Section 250.118.
Correct Answer: False
8. The wiring requirements contained in Article 517 apply to all healthcare facilities, including those for dogs and cats.
Correct Answer: False
9. “Patient care vicinity” refers to a horizontal distance of _____ feet from the normal patient bed location in a healthcare facility.
Correct Answer: 6
10. Where isolated power system circuit conductors supply 125V, single-phase, 15A and 20A receptacles from an isolated power panel, the _____ conductor is required to be connected to the terminals on the receptacles that are identified (white or silver) in accordance with 200.10(B) for connection to the grounded circuit conductor.
Correct Answer: Orange