Equipment Requirements

Per the National Electrical Code (NEC), electrical equipment must be rated for voltage and ampacity, and it is required to carry normal current and the amount of available fault current during ground-fault or short-circuit conditions. Warnings also must be on equipment that is likely to need examination, adjustment, servicing or maintenance while energized.

1. Service equipment rated at 1,000 volts or less shall be ______.

Correct Answer: All of the above

2. Arc-flash hazard warnings are required on electrical equipment to warn ______ of potential hazards.

Correct Answer: Qualified people

3. For service equipment rated at 1,600 amperes (A) in other than industrial installations, what information is required to be included on an arc-flash hazard warning label to ensure qualified people service this installation and existing arc-flash warning labels meeting NFPA 70E are applied?

Correct Answer: All of the above

4. If the maximum amount of fault current served by the utility company is 90,500A, ______ service equipment short-circuit current ratings (SCCR) are not in compliance with the NEC.

Correct Answer: 65,000

5. Section 110.24 is required to be applied when determining the amount of available fault current on an arc-flash hazard warning label that is required to be applied to service equipment.

Correct Answer: False

6. The ______ of the circuit to be protected shall be selected and coordinated to permit the circuit protective devices to work without extensive damage to the circuit’s electrical equipment.

Correct Answer: All of the above

7. Which is not required to have an arc-flash hazard warning?

Correct Answer: Dwelling unit service equipment

8. The documented maximum available fault current (calculation or published value) required by 110.24(A) shall be available to all but which of the following?

Correct Answer: Those authorized to manage the property

9. If modifications to the electrical installation occur that affect the maximum available fault current at the service, the maximum available fault current shall be ______ as necessary to ensure the service equipment ratings are sufficient.

Correct Answer: Verified or recalculated

10. If a panelboard is listed and required to have a SCCR of 22,000A, and the equipment is not installed as a listed series-rated system, the installed breakers must have a minimum SCCR of ______ kAIC.

Correct Answer: 22


