

Wi-Fi Tops iPod and Home Phone

Sep 15, 2006
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THE WI-FI ALLIANCE, in conjunction with Kelton Research, has found that Wi-Fi is demonstrating increased momentum as an integral part of leisure and work activities. According to a new nationwide survey on consumer perceptions of Wi-Fi technology, the Wi-Fi lifestyle has reached iPod popularity. Eight out of 10 surveyed readily volunteered they would give up their iPod for a home wireless network.

When Americans were asked which they would rather give up, their home telephone or wireless computer network, 79 percent responded that they would rather live without a home phone.

A majority of Americans (55 percent) said that they work from home at least two or three days a week. This, however, doesn’t mean they are working in a typical office space. Rather, they are working in the kitchen, living room or even a bookstore.

When asked how long it took to set up a wireless computer network at home, the average length of time was one hour and eight minutes.

For an entire copy of the survey findings, contact Dominic Ybarra at 650.762.2960.  EC






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