

IT Professionals Concerned about WLAN Security

Nov 15, 2002
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Ft. Lee, New Jersey, Nov. 11, 2002––ReefEdge, Inc., an industry leader in wireless network infrastructure solutions, today announced the results of a Wireless LAN (WLAN) survey of 935 IT professionals conducted via the company's website.

Wireless LANs were widely deployed among the respondents. 57% percent of those surveyed already had a WLAN in their enterprise. Of the remaining, 85% plan on deploying a WLAN in the foreseeable future.

Whether the respondent did or did not have a wireless LAN made very little difference in the top issues they would like addressed as they make their wireless LAN deployment decisions. Security was by far the number one concern. In fact, security concerns were triple that of either cost or speed of the network.

The IT professionals surveyed were Network Administrators, Security Officers, CTOs, MIS Managers, Network Architects and Design Engineers around the US. The organization breakdown of those surveyed is as follows:

End User/Enterprise: 31% Consultant: 24% System Integrator: 19% Reseller: 8% Education: 5% Other: 13%

"Not surprisingly, the continued lack of confidence in the security of wireless LANs was apparent, " said Evan Sohn, Vice President Marketing at ReefEdge, Inc. "Nonetheless, an overwhelming majority of the non wireless LAN users still plan on deploying one which highlights the value these IT professionals place on the benefits and conveniences of a wireless LAN."

For a complete view of the results of the survey, please go to: EC






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