

Wind Power Breezes into Flagstaff

By Rick Laezman | Dec 15, 2008
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At the direction of the Flagstaff, Ariz., City Council, city staff members have been working on an amendment to the Land Development Code that would allow alternate wind energy systems (e.g., wind turbines) under 10 kilowatts to be installed on commercial and industrial zoned properties greater than one-half acre in area within the city limits. The city is holding public hearings to collect feedback.

It is not entirely clear why there is a need for the change. The city currently has no regulations either allowing or forbidding the technology, and there is no noticeable demand. Only two businesses so far have installed wind turbines. Even a recent study by Northern Arizona University showed only a few small pockets in the town where wind power generation could be high.

Nevertheless, Mayor Sara Presler is championing the issue. She wants the city to follow the lead set by Coconino County where Flagstaff is located, which recently passed a similar ordinance.

About The Author

LAEZMAN is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer who has been covering renewable power for more than 10 years. He may be reached at [email protected]





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