

Unique New Graphics for Service Trucks

May 15, 2008





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Milwaukee-based electrical contractor Roman Electric Co. Inc. is redesigning the graphics on its large fleet of service trucks to include individual photos of working electricians. Roman has redone three trucks and is working on 10 more to be completed in the coming months.

The first three completed include two service trucks with a photo of the electrician who drives the truck. The third is a smaller truck imprinted with a photo of founder Roman Rose with two of his electricians sitting on the running board of his first new service truck.

“We want to update our image and promote our people,” said Phil Rose, Roman president and grandson of the founder. “We have professionals who really care about their work and take pride in their jobs, and we want people to know who they are. So we decided to put our most important asset on our trucks: our people.”

“We put the retro design on just one smaller truck,” Rose said. “We didn’t think it was the better of the two designs for promotional purposes, but it offered kind of an emotional, personal look and was the sentimental favorite.”

Roman Electric serves industrial, commercial, residential and institutional customers in the new construction, remodeling, design/build and service markets in southeastern Wisconsin. It has more than 55 service trucks and remains family owned.






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