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The Energy Crime Stoppers Hotline continues to generate anonymous tips to solve thefts of energy-industry equipment and products. It’s also resulting in tips on related crimes.
A recent investigation of a $2 million oil condensate theft at a West Texas oilfield led to a narcotics bust, and an Energy Crime Stoppers bumper sticker promoting the hotline motivated an anonymous tipster to report a murder-for-hire plot related to mineral rights in Texas. Both cases remain under investigation.
“We really cannot discuss details of the investigations except to say that a caller provided an anonymous tip about a narcotics delivery of someone involved in the condensate theft, and the anonymous tipster on the murder-for-hire plot reported calling after seeing an 888.645.TIPS bumper sticker,” said Ed Krevit, chief deputy of Midland County Sheriff’s office and member of the Energy Security Council’s (ESC) law enforcement liaison committee. The ESC sponsors the Energy Crime Stoppers program.
Krevit believes increased public awareness of cash rewards and law enforcement’s improved knowledge of energy industry theft are key reasons the tipline is turning up productive leads.
“The Energy Crime Stoppers Hotline is successful because we are increasing training and communication with law enforcement and because member companies put up more than $60,000 for cash rewards,” Krevit said.
The Energy Crime Stoppers Hotline is active in Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah and Wyoming to address energy-sector theft, fraud and crime committed at remote sites, such as electrical, wind and nuclear power; petrochemical; product storage; and oil and gas.
Calls to Energy Crime Stoppers Hotline, 888.645.TIPS, are routed through local crime stoppers and referred to appropriate law enforcement agency. Tipsters receive cash rewards for information leading to arrest and/or conviction for theft, fraud or crimes committed against energy companies. Tipsters receive a confidential code used to claim rewards for information leading to convictions. Tipsters also can report crime anonymously through